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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»It's now over 12 years ago since the first issue of the later so famous
- chart, «c6»The EuroChart, «c7»got released. And during this period it has been in
- the hands of four groups.«»
- «»
- It all started back in 1989 when the famous norwegian crew «c6»Crusaders
- «c7»decided to make their own chart in hard competition with so many other
- charts at that time. The first issue got released in November the same year
- with «c6»El Cubo and Dr.Awesome «c7»as main-editors. The code was also done by El
- Cubo.«»
- «»
- Crusaders were a bunch of very active and creative sceners, and they had a
- special plan with the «c6»EuroChart. «c7»They wanted to release the EuroChart
- reguarly and with new graphics in each issue. And that's also what
- happened. From the first issue in «c6»November 1989 «c7»until their last issue,
- nr.14, in «c6»January 1992, «c7»they managed to release a new issue every second
- month! And it didn't take long before the EuroChart became very popular and
- got its audience.«»
- «»
- The highligts in this period is perhaps issue 6 with the well-known
- Coca-Cola look alike design which also illustrated the various paper
- votesheets at that time. And the EuroChart also got a boost in popularity
- after issue 8 when the «c6»EuroNews «c7»section got introduced with the famous «c6»Ken
- stories «c7»by Outtasight.«»
- «»
- Anyway, in 1992 the Crusaders didn't have the time nor energy to continue
- releasing their famous chart. And all good things have to come to an end,
- or do they? No, Crusaders wanted their chart to live on and the first
- EuroChart takeover was a fact! It was handed over to the group «c6»Static
- Bytes.«»
- «»
- «c7»After a minor delay, the first issue under the Static Bytes label, issue 15
- that is, got released in «c6»July 1992. «c7»The new coder and main-editor was now
- the famous dane «c6»Estrup. «c7»The first thing that was done, was to
- add a new «c6»gallery.«»
- «»
- The chartmag «c7»was still being released quite reguarly, but not as often as
- in the past however. The main reason was that the EuroChart had become much
- bigger than in the past. In any case, Static Bytes managed to release «c6»13
- issues «c7»until issue 27 got released at the end of «c6»January 1995. «c7»During this
- period quite many changes happened. There were changes in the chart
- categories, the «c6»EuroStatistics «c7»got introduced in issue 24 and the mag also
- went «c6»AGA. «c7»The graphics and code areas had improved alot after Static Bytes
- took over. This was quite noticeable in the last issue with the great
- graphics of Friendly/Static Bytes for instance. However, there were never many articles
- included and the news sections never were that updated. But the charts with
- the EuroStatistics were just great! The EuroChart had turned into the «c6»best
- charts around.«»
- «»
- «c7»Just as Crusaders before them, Static Bytes became more or less inactive,
- and again the EuroChart got handed over. But in most of the mags at that
- time, the chart was considered dead. However, the new team behind the EC,
- «c6»Depth, «c7»prove them all wrong.«»
- «»
- It took a while, but in «c6»December 1996 «c7»the wait was over, and the crazy
- Depth gang released issue 28 of the famous chart. And soon, even Depth
- became famous. Just as issue 27 under the Static Bytes label, also issue 28
- got great graphics (both panels and cliparts), but not many files. This
- time the EuroChart was only «c6»harddisk installable. «c7»And just as issue 27, it
- got a nice intro done by another danish group. The intro in issue 27 was
- done by Gunnars Farvebio, and the intro in issue 28 was done by Impact Dk.
- It was surely nice. «c6»The EuroChart was definately back!«»
- «»
- «c7»The new main-editors were «c6»Cytron and Curt Cool «c7»and the coding was now taken
- over by Quedax. Depth managed to release «c6»issue 28 to 38 «c7»on their own.
- During this time the mag expanded both in the graphics and articles
- department, and the chartmag became even more popular. The EuroChart got
- released quite reguarly, with 4 releases in 1997, 3 in 1998 and 3 issues
- only by Depth in 1999. But Depth became tired as well, and wanted a coop
- partner. So from issue 39, released in December 1999, there were «c6»two
- main-editing teams of the EuroChart.«»
- «»
- «c7»Yes, from «c6»issue 39 until issue 43, Depth and IRIS «c7»have done the famous
- EuroChart together. I don't know if it's a coincident or not, but also with
- this change, another danish group did the intro. This time it was done by
- Focus Design. In any case, the EuroChart continued to improve during these
- issues. And issue 42 is certainly the best and biggest issue of this famous
- chart ever! Nevertheless, the EuroChart has not been released as often as
- in the past.«»
- «»
- In late July last year we could finally see the change in issue 43. The mag
- was «c6»totally done by IRIS. «c7»Cytron stepped down and gave the sources over to
- IRIS, just as Curt Cool had stepped down earlier. All that was included
- from Depth this time, was a cool tune from Curt Cool and the old code by
- Quedax. And from issue 44 «c6»the EuroChart will only be under the IRIS label.
- Darkhawk «c7»will continue being the main-editor, but will get company by
- Adonis which become the new main-ed. of the chartmag. And Dr.Doom will
- probably continue to upgrade the source to meet the new needs that might
- appear. The obvious change in issue 43 was that all the articles were
- formatted. But only time will tell what new ideas IRIS will introduce...«»
- «»
- It's at least a fact that yet «c6»another takeover «c7»have taken place. Good luck
- to IRIS which now have two mags under their label. At the end we just have
- to thank Depth for the great job they've done these last 4 years!«»
- «»
- «c6»Long live the EuroChart...«»
- «»
- «e»